Monday, 6 December 2010

Activity No. 2: Voki

This activity is aimed to students from 8 years old ahead. The website is pretty clear and easy to use. And, since the linguistic content of the activity is at a begginers level, all students of english can work with this.

The idea of this activity is to create an Avatar in Voki (it can be a human, an animal or even a monster, you choose) introducing itself with your own information. For that you will need to:

1) Write your own introduction. Consider the following points: name, age, nationality, what you like, a special greeting. Show it to your teacher for any possible correction or suggestion.

2) Go to and create an account. Check your e-mail account for the confirmation e-mail.

3) Choose the option "create" on the web site. You will see a frame with a character inside. You can change this character with the options its right. You can change things such as the whole body (dog, girl, flower, etc.), the background, the colours of each detail and the frame (called "players").

4) Once you have selected all the characteristics, you can now give you character a voice. For this, you have different options (I recommend option one) but we are not considering the one in which you can call by phone because it is too much trouble.
              Option one: Click the icon that looks like a key. Now, type what you want your Avatar to say (your introduction). Below the text box, you can choose the accent your Avatar will have and the voice (you will see these are people with names and different nationalities).
              Option two: Choose the microphone icon. You can record yourself with this option. It is very simple: press record and say what you want the Avatar to say. You will have 60 seconds of audio.
              Option trhee: If you click the file icon, you will be able to upload an audio file. As simple as uploading any other file in any other site.

5) Now your Avatar is ready to be published! Once you do so, you can embed it in your personal website or simple keep it in your Voki account.

6) Evaluation: In a text document, write a few lines with the pros and cons of this activity. Include the link to you Avatar and send it by e-mail to your teacher.

If you want to see a finish Voki Avatar, go to Sample No. 5: Voki Avatar.

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